

这是国际足联对开幕战握手要求的官方解释: Opening Ceremonies: Handshake 开幕战中的入场仪式、入场寒暄(通常也就是握手) Handshakes between players are not compulsory, but should be done. The following guidelines apply to opening games of a tournament:-

1) Players enter the field separately, with their managers behind them (and in the case of team captains or joint captains at either end of the field);

2) After each player has come onto the pitch, they must shake hands with all of those present; and

3) Managers may only hand out prizes for first place on the day of the final. In the event that more than one game determines the champion(s), this decision is left to each specific competition’s organisers, as long as it's clearly explained beforehand. This does occasionally happen — e.g, the UEFA Cup winners were announced immediately after the second leg of the finals, which was shared by two teams, so both sides were awarded the trophy.

So basically:

* If you play a friendly, there will likely be no official handshakes; however, if you have an international match against another nation’s national team – such as England vs USA – then these rules definitely apply, even though FIFA would probably prefer that none happened at all. So unless your captain specifically tells his men not to engage in any pre-match rituals, expect some sort of awkward handshake ritual. And don’t blame anyone else if you get a bit emotional about it…


我也不知道这是不是正式的,不过我是这么做的: 一般我会先主动伸出手去和对手握一下或者打招呼的时候把手放低一些(这样显得比较尊重吧),然后看对方有没有对我表示出友好的意思,没有的话就收回手继续踢球,有的话就可以稍微用力一点了……嘿嘿嘿!当然如果感觉对手态度不友好就不握手而是问候他祖宗十八代之类的啦~ 如果是在世界杯决赛圈、欧洲杯决赛圈或其他重要的比赛中,在入场前我也会跟对方的门将或队长提前打好招呼的——比如「你好,我是中国队门将XX」或是「你好,我是XX队的XX,很高兴见到你」「你好啊X哥~」之类的话(我还是比较内向的嘛╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭);如果有幸能在更衣室里和对手打个招呼那再好不过了哈哈哈。

