在一场友谊赛中,双方球员共打进184球! 这是有史以来最疯狂的记录之一…… 这场比赛是由美国职业足球大联盟球队纽约城和巴西球队布拉甘蒂诺进行的,共有39名运动员参赛。 在这场比赛中,每个队都有三名替补队员,其中两个是门将。因此两队一共上场了78人,射入了惊人的184个进球——平均每场比赛超过5个进球! “我们当时都惊呆了,”一位目击者说。 “这绝对是不可思议的记录。” 这场比赛是在纽约市的一个体育馆里进行的,由于人数众多,球场被挤得满满当当。球迷们纷纷站到了座位上,为运动员加油鼓劲。 比赛的场地内到处都是球,甚至有几名参赛者因为争夺一个球而打起来。最终裁判不得不终止比赛以维护秩序。 当比赛结束后,现场的观众还在激动地欢呼着,他们还没有从如此精彩的一场比赛中走出来。 尽管这是一场友谊赛,但双方的竞争却十分激烈。 最终纽约城赢得了胜利,他们的主教练非常开心。
这位教练表示,他在执教生涯中从未见过这么精彩的赛事,他的队员们表现出了良好的竞技水平和团队精神。 对于布拉甘蒂诺的教练来说,这场失利有些尴尬。他说他原本希望自己的队员们能赢得这场比赛,但他们在比赛中表现得不够出色,没能发挥出应有的水平来。 这真是令人难以置信的一次经历!你可以在我们的YouTube视频上看到它: "It was a really crazy experience," one witness told the New York Times. "This is definitely in the top five crazy games that I've ever seen and it will stay with me forever." The game was played at an arena in New York City where crowds of people packed into every available seat to watch the action unfold on-field, and even climbed onto bleachers or stood along the perimeter fences to get a better look. There were so many balls on the field during the match — some players even had to fight over them — that officials eventually had to stop play just to maintain order among all those bodies on the pitch. When the game finally ended, fans were still cheering wildly from their seats, having been swept up by such a memorable spectacle. Even though this was merely an exhibition matchup between two teams from different leagues,it featured intense competition between both squads as they battled back and forth for the lead throughout each half. Ultimately, NY City emerged victorious thanks to late goal from forward James Sands – but Brazília coach Ricardo Gomes wasn’t too happy about losing his team's home turf against its American visitors. It truly was a wild night out for soccer fanatics everywhere! You can check out the full video on our YouTube Channel: 在整个比赛中,双方不断进球,球场一片混乱。然而,在如此疯狂的时刻,双方仍然保持着高水平的比赛状态。 双方球员都尽力发挥出自己的最佳水准,向观众展示自己最精彩的技艺。 尽管这是一场友谊赛,但却充满激烈的竞争。