

“I think I'd prefer a game of football to any other sport.” (That was in 1986, just before he died) “There are more important things than money"... (in the documentary "The King Of Comedy") His life is an example for us all: be who you want, do what makes you happy and don't care about people that try to put you down. There will always be jerks out there but they can never beat us with their negativity if we only focus on our goals and remain positive!! He taught me most of this, so now it's my turn: Don't let anyone take away your dreams; If you have something to prove; go ahead and do it! Do not give up no matter how bad things get, or when others say: It won’t work/It’s impossible/You shouldn't even bother trying because… Remember: You are born without limits & Your Potential Is Unlimited! So why would YOU Limit Yourself?

He once said: ‘Football has given me everything,’ and despite his illness, which had left him unable to speak and walk by June last year, Kennedy continued to watch matches at home as well as those taking place abroad, especially Germany where he spent much time while playing professionally. A great man and a true legend both on the pitch and off…… RIP Pele! Thanks for everything Pele!


我看了视频,他原话应该是“Fuck you” 然后他还重复了两次 我也看这个片段了 因为我是梅西球迷嘛 所以自然对C罗没啥感觉 但是我对皇马和尤文图斯还是有一定了解的 这时候就体现出了梅西的绅士风度 毕竟这球如果换了普通球员可能就直接上手了(想想巴萨和拜仁的比赛)

总之我觉得这就是一个非常有风度的球星 当然这是在他已经进球的前提下 如果他在比赛的最后时刻或者加时赛这种关键的时间段里,在对方犯规的情况下爆粗口的话也是完全没有问题的 何况这只是场友谊赛呢 而且他的性格其实是很内向很腼腆的一个人
